Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Summer 2009 Schedule

Well, it looks like it's that time of year again. That time when people stop being jealous of our weather here in Arizona. When we're either in the air conditioning, the swimming pool, or covered with enough sun block to protect you on the actual surface of the sun. When the critters like scorpions and rattlesnakes come out and the snowbirds go home. And for some strange reason, there's not much happening with the art scene here this time of year. Hmmm.

That's why summer is the time for me to hit the road. No big Europe trips planned until at least next year, so my schedule looks about the same as it has the past couple years:

La Jolla Festival of the Arts
June 20 - 21
9 AM - 5 PM

Breckenridge Art Festival
July 24 - 26
10 AM - 6 PM

Park City Kimball Arts Festival
August 1 - 2
9 AM - 7 PM (6 PM Sunday)

Sausalito Art Festival
September 5 - 7
9 AM - 6 PM (5 PM Monday)

Hopefully, you can make it to one of these beautiful, high-caliber events to view my newest works. Please let me know if you need any further information as well.

And enjoy your beautiful summers, blah, blah, blah. You'll be shoveling snow again before you know it. :)