Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Night Scene - Step 6

Step 6

I've added another wash to the sky. This time, I added a little more Ultramarine Blue to the mixture to darken it. I've got a ways more to go, but you can already see that the buildings are looking more "lit up". It's always interesting to see how changing one part of a painting (darkness, color, etc.) changes every other part as well. Each painting is a supreme balancing act, and you have to really know what you want the finished product to look like so you don't get lost in these middle stages and leave it unfinished.

I'm also ready to start working on the reflections in the water now. This will be a very important part of the final piece, so I really need to pay attention to how it's handled. The best way to paint water is to look it as abstract shapes and values and just paint what you see (as opposed to what you "think" you see - it's that whole right brain, left brain thing). Come to think of it, that's pretty much the best way to paint anything. If you get the shapes right and the values right, then you've got it. See, you had no idea painting was that easy!

I also worked a bit more on the dark parts of the bridge tower and the buildings to the left. They're getting closer to completion.

1 comment:

benedict1 said...

Terrific! I want to paint a night scene of St Peter's Basilica in the Vatican for a dear friend and am ready to start. I have painted for years but have never really gone after a night scene. Thanks for this demo. I will try now. Walter