One of my favorite subjects from my travel to Italy was the plethora of incredible fountains that are found all over the country, especially around Rome. My past efforts to capture some of these have been alot of fun to paint and have been very well-received by my collectors. However, I haven't yet attempted to paint that most famous of fountains, the Trevi. Until now, that is.
One of my collector friends (you know who you are, Michael) has been hounding me to paint the Trevi for years now, but I've always been too busy with other series, commissions, etc. to attempt it. It's quite a challenging subject after all, mixing figurative elements and water, two of the most difficult subjects to paint.
Anyways, I'm throwing caution to the wind, and I'll be letting you watch as I tackle one of the most famous landmarks in all of Italy. I hope you enjoy it (and I sure hope it works out!)
Stay tuned...
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